MemberLink Communities open to League member city officials
To join one of the Memberlink Communities in which you are eligible to participate, you will need to sign in to your MyLMC account (if you don’t have one, you’ll need to create a new MyLMC account).
City Attorneys:
Devoted to issues and trends facing city attorneys. Open to all attorneys licensed in Minnesota who represent municipal clients as in-house counsel or through a contract for service. Also open to attorneys who previously met this criteria, but are now retired as defined by the Minnesota Supreme Court Lawyer’s Registration Office. If you are uncertain if you are eligible for inclusion in this community, please send an email to aeisenschenk@lmc.org and briefly provide information and explanation for your requested access.
City Clerks/Administrators:
Devoted to issues and trends facing city clerks and administrators. Share information and questions about the many responsibilities and requirements of this role, and on general city operations. Open to clerks, administrators and related staff (such as deputy clerks or assistant administrators), and elected officials of League of Minnesota Cities members.
City Communicators:
Devoted to issues and trends facing those city staff who have responsibility for marketing, publications, crisis communications, etc. Open to all Minnesota city officials with communications responsibilities.
City Finance Officers/Treasurers:
Devoted to those with city finance responsibilities. Share information and questions about the many responsibilities and requirements of this role, and on general city operations. Open to Minnesota city finance officers, city treasurers, and related staff such as clerk-treasurers, finance managers, and assistant finance directors.
City HR/Personnel Professionals:
Devoted to issues and trends facing those with human resources and benefits responsibilities. Membership is limited to elected city officials and city staff who are responsible for the human resources function. We encourage cities to limit participation to one city representative.
City IT Professionals:
Devoted to the interests of city IT professionals. Share ideas, concerns, issues, and resolutions unique to city operations, technology management, budgeting, staffing, vendors, projects, etc. Open to all Minnesota city information technology professionals.
City IT Laserfiche:
Devoted to discussions about the administration and development of the Laserfiche software product. Members share information about templates, forms, electronic doc management, and other tips and tricks.
City Prosecutors:
Devoted to issues and trends facing city prosecutors. Open to all attorneys licensed in Minnesota who represent municipal clients in a prosecution role as in-house counsel or through a contract for service.
City Public Works Professionals:
Devoted to information-sharing on city public works issues. Open to all Minnesota public works employees and related staff and officials.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Work:
Devoted to issues and trends facing those with diversity, equity, and inclusion responsibilities. Share information and questions about the many responsibilities and requirements of this role. Open to city staff responsible for and interested in diversity, equity, and inclusion work.
Communities open to members of League affiliates
Contact the affiliate to learn how to become a member.
City Engineers:
Devoted to issues and trends facing city engineers. Must be a member of City Engineers Association of Minnesota (CEAM) to sign up for this community.
Learn about CEAM membershipCity Managers and Administrators:
Devoted to issues and trends facing local government managers and administrators. Must be a member of Minnesota City/County Management Association (MCMA) to join this community.
Learn about MCMA membershipGreenStep Cities:
Devoted to issues and trends surrounding GreenStep Cities. Member must be a GreenStep City participant or must be staff person of GreenStep City partner organization to sign up for this community. Please note: Only one elected member from each city may be added to the community.
Learn about becoming a GreenStep CityMayors:
Devoted to issues of interest to mayors. Must be a member of Minnesota Mayors Association (MMA) to join this community. For information about MMA, contact Madison Hagenau at mhagenau@lmc.org.
MN PRIMA Risk Managment:
Devoted to addressing current risk management and loss control issues in a practical, cost-effective, and professional manner through the exchange of information. Must be a member of the Public Risk Management Association, Minnesota Chapter Inc. (MN PRIMA) to join this community.
Learn more about MN PRIMA membershipPSHRA:
A community devoted to issues and trends facing human resources professionals in the public sector. Must be a member of the Public Sector HR Association (PSHRA) Minnesota Chapter to join this community.
Eligibility for participation
Please note that MemberLink communities operated by the League of Minnesota Cities are intended only for League member city officials and city staff, and in the case of co-sponsored communities, are intended for the membership of the co-sponsoring League affiliate organization.
Legal disclaimer
The League of Minnesota Cities will maintain a one-year record of MemberLink community messages. The League provides these communities for general information-sharing purposes within the city community. Messages posted to these communities are not intended to provide legal advice and should not be used as a substitute for competent legal guidance. References to any specific commercial product, process, or service included within messages posted to communities do not constitute or imply endorsement or recommendation by the League of Minnesota Cities or its co-sponsoring affiliate organizations.